Department of Agricultural Economy

Word Of the Head Department of Agricultural Economy

The department offers a program for undergraduate and postgraduate study, and along with other majors in the college, it forms a support for the agriculture sector and agricultural and economic development. It contributes to finding solutions to the problems and obstacles that hinder the achievement of sustainable development and food security by applying economic theories to agricultural sciences in various fields and proposing solutions through agricultural policies that lead to To rationalize the optimal and sustainable use of agricultural resources.


The department seeks to prepare graduates with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agricultural sciences in the field of agricultural economics that are compatible with the requirements of the labor market. It also seeks to serve the community by preparing applied scientific studies and research in the field of agricultural economics that aim to achieve the economic and social goals of agricultural activity within the framework of achieving sustainable development.


Within the framework of the college’s mission, the Department of Agricultural Economics seeks to graduate scientific cadres holding bachelor’s and master’s degrees who are familiar with the scientific and cognitive foundations and acquire the technical skills that meet the needs of society in developing and developing the agricultural sector by graduating agricultural engineers who have the ability to make farm decisions regarding the exploitation of agricultural economic resources. Optimal exploitation is available that maximizes economic returns at the private and public levels.


1. Using scientific knowledge of agricultural economics.

2. Participation in organizing various technical agricultural operations within an economic framework.

3. Employing economic feasibility studies for agricultural projects that participate in community service.

4. Proposing methods to improve the efficiency of production and marketing processes for agricultural commodities.

5. Employing scientific research skills in economic studies and their applications in the agricultural field

Organizational Structure for Department of Agricultural Economy

Facts about Department of Agricultural Economy

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



