Bachelor in english

University of Tripoli - Department of English Language



This program enables the student to integrate knowledge from multidisciplinary fields to design, develop and evaluate new solutions to meet the challenges of modern teaching and to know them in depth in order to develop and implement modern strategies for teaching and scientific research. The student also contributes to community service in teaching English, and he can continue his postgraduate studies to obtain a master's degree in various fields of the English language.


Preparing the teacher scientifically and educationally, and raising his efficiency to benefit from him in the different stages of education.

The ability to integrate knowledge from interdisciplinary fields to design, develop and evaluate new solutions to meet the challenges of modern teaching.

In-depth knowledge of developing and implementing modern strategies for teaching and scientific research.

Contribution to community service in teaching the English language.

The ability to obtain a master’s degree in the numerous fields of English language for graduates of the program who want to continue their studies.

Hard work to obtain programmatic accreditation according to the standards of the National Centre for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Educational and Training Institutions.


a/ Knowledge and Understanding

Knowledge of various fields related to language, education and learning.

Knowledge of scientific and educational research methods.

In-depth knowledge of e-learning.

Understand and address current teaching and learning issues. 

b/ Mental Skills

Ability for academic writing, analysis and innovative thinking.

Ability to think and compose creatively in English.

The ability to demonstrate research principles and analyse them.

The ability to integrate knowledge from interdisciplinary fields to design, develop and assess new solutions to meet the challenges of modern teaching.

c/ Practical and Professional Skills 

The student should be able…

to prepare a good lesson plan.

to use some electronic devices and equipment.

to prepare scientific research and questionnaires.

to identify weaknesses and individual differences among learners.

d/ General Skills

Acquiring experience in operating some educational technologies.

Acquiring the ability to work within a team.

Gaining the necessary experience to communicate with others in different aspects of education.

Possessing the ability to discuss issues related to teaching and learning in his work environment. 

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor’s degree:   Licenciate in Arts and Education  

Entry Reuirements

The student must have a high school diploma or its equivalent.

The student should healthily be able to continue his studies.

He/ She has to pass the written oral entrance exam in the department.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in english prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in english. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 140 units, which include 44 units of general subjects, and 88 major units, 4 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GCZ111 02 General +

The inclusion of this course in the scientific departments of the college, and it is considered a general subject in the departments (English, Physics, Chemistry, Kindergarten, Classroom Teacher, and Sociology). The Arabic language with its various sciences, including grammar, texts, and spelling, so that the student graduates from these departments having possessed the correct writing tools, avoiding common linguistic and spelling errors.This is done by dividing the lessons of the Arabic language 1 into sections as follows: First: grammar lessons, in which the following vocabulary is studied: (speech sections, words and their types, noun, verb and letter, noun signs, verb signs, noun sections in terms of declension, singularity and plural, In terms of definition and indefiniteness, in terms of syntax and construction, the verb sections are the past tense, the present tense and the imperative verb. Muthanna and its types, plural types: the masculine plural of salim, the feminine plural of salim, the plural of taksir. The original signs of inflection, the secondary signs of inflection. Second: Text lessons: where the student is trained to deal with the text in understanding, interpretation and memorizationThe texts are of various types, from a Quranic text, another prophetic text, and a poetic or prose literary text. Third: Dictation lessons, and its vocabulary is (drawing the hamza at the beginning of the word, drawing the hamza in the middle of the word, drawing the hamza at the end of the word. With an alert to common mistakes and how to overcome them..

ES115 general psychology 02 Elective +

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of psychology, its development, objectives, branches, schools and research methods in it, the nature of motives and emotions that direct human behavior and mental processes (sensation, attention, perception, remembering and forgetting, intelligence, and learning).

ES161 Basic Principles of Education 02 Elective +

Introducing the student to the concept of the origins of education, the characteristics of the concept of the origins of education, the goals and importance of education, the principles and types of education, and the relationship of education to other sciences (psychology, philosophy, history, sociology), and enlightening the student about the development of education through the ages, and education through ancient civilizations, education among the Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks Romanians), and enable the student to learn about education in Renaissance societies, socialization

EL110 Listening 1 02 Compulsory +

The course discusses the basics of listening and the way how the student can understand the rules of listening and how important of this. How the student can recognize and differentiate the important points while they are listening.

EL111 Speaking 1 02 Compulsory +

The course practises some collocations of the most useful words in English. For example, students practise some nouns and verbs we use about particular topics in our daily life. This course helps students to communicate with each other using English language. In addition, it helps them to feel self-confident with the help of their lecture when they try to produce the language orally.

EL112 Reading Comprehension 1 02 Compulsory +

This course develops reading skills, builds vocabulary, and makes reading more enjoyable. The reading passages are taken not only from magazines and newspapers, but also from popular classic stories. These extracts, specially adapted for learners of English, provide a practical way to introduce extensive reading into the classroom.

EL113 writing 1 04 Compulsory +

The objective of the course is to provide the student with a variety of suitable materials for developing writing. The most important aim is to introduce the process of writing and specifically to train the students to use the prewriting techniques. Then students are introduced to the sentence to help them to identify its parts and types.

EL114 Grammar 1 02 Compulsory +

urse introduces students to both descriptive and prescriptive approaches to the grammar of English language. It describes grammar not as a simple theory but as an enabling tool for authentic language practice by presenting it in real life contexts. It also provides for some English grammatical rules as a solution for using grammar effectively. It also caters for rules that are relevant to successful practical communication. These may include knowledge of basic grammar terms, subject-verb agreement rules, English tenses

EL115 Vocabulary Development 1 02 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL235 Phonetics 1 02 Compulsory +

After a short introduction to pronunciation problems, the course provides explanations on how the speech organs work. After that students are introduced to the basic sounds and the difference between letters and sounds. Then, the course deals with each sound separately. Learners are provided with both receptive and productive practice. Audio components include cassettes and audio CDs.

EL125 Vocabulary Development 2 02 Compulsory EL115 +

EL124 Grammar 2 02 Compulsory EL114 +

This course gives students the explanations and practice that are right for college level of English. It gives him/her lots of practice and clear explanations for the verbs and auxiliaries. It helps students to develop their knowledge and understanding of English grammar. It helps them to practice grammatical activities to check their understanding. It explores learners' problems and mistakes and provides more explanations.

EL123 Writing 2 04 Compulsory EL113 +

The objective of this course is to prepare students to write academic paragraphs, while introducing five rhetorical modes. The most important aim is to introduce the process of paragraph writing and specifically to train the students to use the prewriting techniques and revising end editing skills. Then students are introduced to practice writing paragraphs on different topics.

EL122 Reading Comprehension 2 02 Compulsory EL112 +

This course develops reading skills, builds vocabulary, and makes reading more enjoyable. The reading passages are taken not only from magazines and newspapers, but also from popular classic stories. These extracts, specially adapted for learners of English, provide a practical way to introduce extensive reading into the classroom.

EL121 Speaking 2 02 Compulsory EL111 +

This course depends on how the student can understand what he or she is listening to and the way that is possible to respond to the statement. In addition to, the student should be very smart in order to recognise which is the significance part that suppose to focus on.

EL120 listening 2 02 Compulsory EL110 +

The goal of listening 2 course is for students to practice and refine their listening skills in general.Also, this course develops the t need to feel confident while travelling, at work, or just chatting with English-speaking friend. Activities based around different themes that cover a range of everyday situations and really help them to feel sure of the English they are using in their daily life.

GC121 Arabic II 02 General GC111 +

EC235 02 General +

The course is presented to the student through lectures, and reliance on the educational assignment, which depends on collecting the theoretical concepts of the lesson and the possibility of applying them in the school, in addition to the educational dialogue that depends on the exchange of ideas, in addition to the use of learning

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ES355 Developmental Psychology 02 Elective +

Provide scientific research and its importance 1. The student should become acquainted with the subject of growth-induced obscurantism (advancement) 2. The student should be able to understand the importance of studying developmental psychology 3. The student should gain experience in research methods in developmental psychology 4. The student should become acquainted with the principles and laws of growth Influencing factors in developmental psychology

GC231 Arabic III 02 General GC121 +

EL245 Phonetics 2 02 Compulsory +

Students are introduced to syllables, word stress and sentence stress. The course also concentrates on showing students different sound sequences and how they may have difficulty in stringing together two, three or four consonants with no vowel between them. Learners are provided with both receptive and productive practice. Audio components include cassettes and audio CDs.

EC236 02 General +

The general objective of including this course in the scientific program is to familiarize the student with the basic skills in teaching and to provide the student with positive attitudes towards the teaching profession and to introduce the student to the educational goals, their levels and classification, and to distinguish the student between general and specific goals and to introduce the student to the characteristics, characteristics, duties and roles of the multiple and varied successful teacher in teaching as well as to introduce the student It focuses on the nature of teaching and the traditional and modern view of teaching. The course also contributes to providing the student with the ability to plan some of the lessons prescribed for primary school students.

EL234 Grammar 3 02 Compulsory EL124 +

This module exposes students to more through lectures on the types of quantifiers and linking words, it also covers a variety of word class in great details, The module further focuses on reported speech and conditionals with practice of the forms, meaning, and usage of other grammatical structures of English, oral and written practices reinforces the structures studied.

EL230 listening 3 02 Compulsory EL120 +

The course focuses on understanding the main points of short, informal passages and differentiating main ideas and details. It also emphasizes on basic listening strategies for a variety of situations, including listening for main ideas and utilizing learned phrases for class discussion.

EL233 Writing 3 04 Compulsory EL123 +

The objective of this course is to teach the students the writing modes, rhetorical devices and language points required for academic success. Students are given the opportunity to explore their opinions, discuss their ideas, and share their experiences through written communication. Students are introduced to practice writing short essays on different topics.

EL231 Speaking 3 02 Compulsory EL121 +

Help students feel more confident while speaking English.Help students feel comfortable in the English speaking world.Developingmore useful speaking skills.Students can be able to understand intermediate face to face conversations.

EL232 Reading Comprehension 3 02 Compulsory EL122 +

The course aims to develop students' academic reading strategies as well as their cultural awareness. This is because they need to develop their reading skills to succeed in an academic setting. This course consists of thought-provoking readings that are based on a variety of authentic sources and cover a range of topics. Stimulating exercises and group activities promote reading proficiency, critical thinking, and vocabulary acquisition.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL240 listening 4 02 Compulsory EL230 +

The course focuses on understanding the main points of short, informal passages and differentiating main ideas and details. It also emphasizes on basic listening strategies for a variety of situations, including listening for main ideas and utilizing learned phrases for class discussion.

EC246 Bases of Curricula 02 Elective +

The course is presented to the students of the College of Education in all their specializations. The course is concerned with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the curriculum and the importance of studying it. It also recognizes the concepts related to the school curriculum, its foundations, pillars, elements and types, and to understand the great burden that falls on it as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. To provide opportunities for fruitful thinking and learning.

GC241 02 General GC231 +

EC475 03 General +

EL356 Theoretical Linguistics 1 02 Compulsory EL233 +

In this course students are introduced to the nature of language and the basic principles of linguistics theory. It then introduces two of the main sub-fields of linguistics. They are: phonetics and phonology.

EL241 Speaking 4 02 Compulsory EL231 +

This course develops communicative and speaking competences in various contexts. The course offers more depth and practice than the English Essential Skills Courses. Students are exposed to authentic English audio/ visual files in the forms of conversations, radio broadcasts and other aural sources of information. It also includes a variety of level-appropriate speaking tasks and practice in the form of discussions, debate, presentations and interviews. This course supplements the Level 4 English Essential Skills Course and provides more depth and practice for speaking skills.

EL243 Academic Writing 04 Compulsory EL233 +

The aim of the course is to provide the student with a variety of suitable material for writing. The most important aim is to introduce the concept of Academic Writing and specifically to train the students to use the Academic Styles. Then students are introduced to paraphrasing, summarizing,

EL244 Grammar 4 02 Compulsory EL234 +

This module exposes students to more through lectures on the types of quantifiers and linking words, it also covers a variety of word class in great details, The module further focuses on reported speech and conditionals with practice of the forms, meaning, and usage of other grammatical structures of English, oral and written practices reinforces the structures studied.Lear

EL242 Reading Comprehension 4 02 Compulsory EL232 +

This course is intended to develop students' academic reading strategies as well as their cultural awareness. It designed to help fourth semester students read ,summarize, describe compare, predict and evaluate the given text. It also gives the chance to do intensive and extensive readings. Moreover, the students learn some idiomatic expression; distinguish facts from opinions, how to recognize analogies, and how to follow a story line. Throughout the course, the students will be provided with clear guidance, positive feedback, and authentic texts to read about.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL366 theoretical Linguistics 2 02 Compulsory EL356 +

After studying the nature of language, the basic principles of linguistics theory, phonetics and phonology; students are introduced to remaining main sub-fields of linguistics. These are: morphology, Grammar, semantics, and language change.

EL361 Presentation Skills 02 Compulsory EL241 +

GC235 Computer I 02 General +

GC234 02 General +

It is a scientific, mathematical and statistical subject given in the second semester. It is represented in organizing statistical data and methods of presenting them in tables and graphics, then summarizing them numerically by calculating measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, denominations, percentiles, skewness and kurtosis coefficient, and studying the relationship between the two variables through correlation and regression.

EC356 02 General +

GC112 02 General +

EL354 Grammatical Structure 1 02 Compulsory EL244 +

This course offers an integrated approach to the theoretical and descriptive study of English syntax. This course gives the students detailed explanations, covering English grammar rules in depth. It gives him/her lots of practice and clear explanations for the types of sentences, subject verb agreement and clauses.

EL357 Teaching Methodology 02 Compulsory EL246 +

This course answers the question: how to teach English? It introduces students to methods of teaching. This includes theory of learning and teaching, nature of teaching, lesson planning etc. It reflects recent methodological developments and trends.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GC354 Measurement and evaluation 02 General GC234 +

The course aims to provide the student with the most important basic concepts in the field of measurement and evaluation and to define their role in the educational process, as well as addressing the definition of educational measurement and evaluation and identifying its characteristics, importance, objectives, tools, fields, levels and types, all the way to achievement tests and their types, types and methods of preparation and verification of their validity and reliability. Preparing and developing its standards in the light of analyzing its results.

GC245 Computer II 02 General GC235 +

GC122 Islamic Studies II 02 General GC112 +

EC364 Research Methodology 02 General EC354 +

It aims to introduce the concept of educational research, to provide the student with the necessary knowledge of the concept of science, its objectives, the characteristics of the scientific method and its definition, the difference between the scientific and non-scientific method in obtaining knowledge, the steps of scientific research in defining the problem and setting hypotheses, as well as defining the types of educational research and survey studies, relational, developmental, Comparative causality, definition of variables in educational research and methods of controlling it, psychometric characteristics, as well as introducing the student to different methods of collecting information such as (observation, questionnaire, interview and standardized tests), and statistical methods for data analysis, how to conduct and apply the research plan, also providing the student with the skill of writing educational research.

EC367 Teaching Strategies 02 Compulsory +

This course is shows students how to plan successful activities, lessons. It develops the awareness and skills they need to become a better teacher.Aims : The course aims to: 1. Provide practical guidance for English language teaching. 2. Help students learn to teach in more effective ways

EL492 Teaching English ti young Learners 02 Elective EL357 +

This course shows how young learners learn English. It also teaches students how to teach pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar to young leaners. It also provides students with basic classroom suggestions for teaching the basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Then students are introduced to teaching young learners through storytelling, songs and games.

EL246 Applied Linguistics 02 Compulsory EL366 +

EL368 Introduction to Literature 02 Compulsory EL233 +

This course teaches students about English literature. It includes a ballad, poems, sonnets and a short story. It aims to make students Identify and analyze a variety of English literary works, develop appreciation for literary works, analyze figurative language and figures of speech and develop fluency and encourage reading for pleasure.

EL364 Grammatical Structure 2 02 Compulsory EL354 +

It is a course which is designed to provide high-intermediate EFL learners with knowledge of grammatical structures that enhances academic communication. Emphasis is on using high-intermediate grammatical structures in meaningful contexts through exercises.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL491 Writing for Corresponds 02 Elective EL353 +

The aim of the course is to provide a practical guide for intermediate and advanced students of English to improve their command of English correspondence. It includes a description of both the British and American styles. Students are encouraged throughout the course to write formal and informal letters and emails.

EL478 Introduction to world Literature 02 Compulsory EL368 +

This course intends to introduce students to works of literature from all over the world. It aims to teach students how to identify and analyze figurative language and figures of speech, compare and contrast between literature from different culture and identify themes in various literary works.

EL477 02 Compulsory +

This course is preliminary teaching practice, where the students are taught to apply all the strategies they have learned to become an effective teacher able to teach innovative methods. Also, in this course, the students are encouraged to use new strategies and techniques in teaching English as a foreign language to all learning levels, i.e. primary, preparatory, and secondary schools students. The students are also expected to teach all the language skills and other courses too.

EL476 Varieties of English 02 Compulsory EL366 +

The course provides an overview of different varieties of English spoken around the world resulting from differences caused by regional and social factors. Particular emphasis will be placed on differences between English spoken in the England, the United States. Moreover, there will be a brief description about the different varieties of English language within British and American varieties. It also introduces students to national and situational varieties of English

EL474 Translation 02 Compulsory EL244 +

The course introduces students to what and how to translate. They will learn and practice grammatical translation and literal translation of meaning. Then students study the lexical problems which explains how to translate collocations, fixed phrases, idioms and proverbs.

EL473 Specialized Research Methodology 02 Compulsory EL353 +

EL351 Spoken English for Academic Purposes 02 Compulsory EL241 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL487 Teaching Practice 2 04 Compulsory +

Teaching Practice is considered an essential pillar of teacher preparation and training programs and compulsory courses, as it contributes to preparing the student/teacher in preparation for his practice of the teaching profession and providing him with the information, skills, values ​​and attitudes necessary for him in his performance as a future teacher. It includes a number of activities, some of which take place in the college and others. In the cooperating school, where he gets involved in the real classroom situation to play his role as a trainee teacher who implements a set of activities under the cooperative supervision between the college and the Department of Education administration.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EL353 Creative Writing 04 Compulsory EL233 +

The aim of the course is to provide the student with a variety of suitable material for writing. The most important aim is to introduce the concept of Academic Writing and specifically to train the students to use the Academic Styles. Then students are introduced to paraphrasing, summarizing, quotations and referencing. Finally, students are introduced to report writing.

EL493 Teaching English with Technology 02 Elective +