Bachelor in Architecture and Urban Planning

University of Tripoli - Department of Archituctural and planning Engineering



The department aims to qualify cadres specialized in the field of architecture and urban planning, so that during the study of ten semesters in this department, the student will receive basic and supporting sciences, in addition to specialized courses covering the topics of architecture, urban planning and building construction. The student is required to complete 150 units, equivalent to 227 hours. This section has a private library equipped with a collection of books, magazines, research and graduation projects. The section also contains a number of modern laboratories for conducting research and laboratory experiments, including: computer lab, models lab, construction and building materials lab.


1. Keeping pace with the development of technology in academic programs (educational and research) in order to achieve the vision, mission and objectives of the department and in line with local and international quality and accreditation standards.

2. Preparing cadres of professionals in the field of the built environment, qualified for the labor market and community service, capable of creativity and excellence at the local, regional and international levels.

3. Improving the components of the academic process.

4. Developing and expanding the fields of applied scientific research, locally, regionally and internationally, to suit the requirements of the profession, the surrounding environment and community service.

5. Adopting concepts of sustainable development and community service.


A- Knowledge and understanding

1- Demonstrating understanding and knowledge of the issues and basics of contemporary technology and factors related to the development of the field of producing design ideas in the service of society.

2- Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the principles and theories of architectural design, urban design and planning, basic aesthetic values and cultural, social and intellectual factors and their impact on the social, spatial and technological aspects of architecture as a process and product at the same time.

3- Demonstrate understanding and appreciation of the social, environmental, ethical, economic, human factors, security, safety and peace requirements that affect design decision-making, necessary to identify, describe and formulate solutions to various engineering problems in a variety of verbal or graphic ways.

B- Practical and professional skills

1- Integrate knowledge and understanding of sciences and arts, information technology, design and engineering concepts to design and plan buildings to solve problems according to local requirements and materials using appropriate modern technologies, programs and skills in the practice of the profession.

2- Applying the basic principles of architecture and the environment in order to develop designs with advanced dimensions, measurements and detailed models that meet the functional, technical and aesthetic requirements, according to the application of professional ethics and relevant laws and regulations for the practice of architecture in Libya and abroad.

C- Mental skills

1- Keep abreast of, identify and evaluate appropriate ICT tools for a variety of architectural problems.

2- Knowledge and ability to identify and analyze various design problems easily and distinctly, often on the basis of limited and sometimes contradictory information.

3- Improvement and development in devising various alternative solutions and reaching architectural decisions, taking into account the cost, benefits,

4- Technology application, safety, quality, assurance, site constraints, urban planning, and environmental impact.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Architecture and Urban Planning Engineering

Entry Reuirements

The cumulative GPA (academic grade) of the student in the previous stage should not be less than 50%

The student should have completed at least two semesters and not more than three semesters as a general stage.

- The student should have successfully completed the following general academic courses (Sports 1, Sport 2, Physics 1, Physics 2, Statics, and Descriptive).

To pass the differentiation exam among the students, which consists of three parts, namely:

1- Part of the written exam.

2- The practical exam part.

3- The personal interview.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Architecture and Urban Planning prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Architecture and Urban Planning. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 22 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 150 units, which include 29 units of general subjects, and 81 major units, 27 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS111 03 General +

GS101 03 General +

GH152 01 General GH151 +

GH150 02 General +

GH141 03 General +

GE125 01 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS112L 01 General GS111 +

GS112 03 General GS111 +

GS102 03 General GS101 +

GH151 01 General GH150 +

GH142 03 General GH141 +

GE121 03 General +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARCH121 02 Compulsory +

This course teaches the student the process of drawing architectural maps. And qualifying him for the design process and knowing how to read architectural paintings from horizontal plans, facades and a sector. In addition to a general site. The student is also taught to make an architectural model that includes the details in the model.

CE233AR 02 Compulsory +

ARCH133 03 Compulsory +

ARCH200 Basic Design 03 Compulsory +

ARCH241 02 Compulsory +

ARCH243 03 Compulsory GE125 +

The course presents to student method of perspective drawing (convert two-dimensional vision or drawing into three-dimensional drawing and representation).The purpose of this course also is to study the shadow of the point, the shadow of the lines, the shadow levels of the space and the objects, the shadows on the two-dimensional and three-dimensional building.▪ Learn how to draw and use different drawing tools.▪ Learn how to draw a perspective with vanishing point and convert two-dimensional drawing into three-dimensional drawing.▪ Able to architectural rendering of different type of perspective▪ Able to perspective construction and artistic rendering elements for architectural drafting by using ink and color pencils…▪ Able to draw shadows projection on two dimensions buildings, shade and shadows on three dimensions buildings.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CE203AR 02 Compulsory GE121 +

ARCH201 05 Compulsory ARCH121 +

ARCH221 03 Compulsory ARCH121 +

CE305AR 02 Compulsory CE301AR +

ARCH386 03 Elective +

ARCH242 02 Elective ARCH241 +

ARCH244 03 Compulsory ARCH121 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARCH324 03 Compulsory +

ARCH246 02 Elective ARCH241 +

CE301AR 02 Compulsory CE203AR +

CE307AR 02 Compulsory CE301AR +

ARCH245 02 Elective ARCH244 +

ARCH233 03 Compulsory +

This course provides the student with the study and analysis of art and the history of architecture throughout the prehistoric, Mesopotamian, Persian, Pharaonic, Chinese, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Rococo, Baroque, and colonial eras, identifying architectural values and ideas in ancient civilizations, and studying its social, economic, environmental and religious surroundings.

ARCH222 03 Compulsory ARCH221 +

ARCH302 05 Compulsory ARCH243 +

Apply design knowledge to an architectural problem at a basic level. Evaluate the relationship of a selected range of technical, programmatic, theoretical, historical and professional issues and their implications for building design.Synthesize a body of practical and theoretical knowledge into the design process.Comprehend architecture and its relationship with location, program, form and representation.Demonstrate design skills through an iterative and considered design process, to resolve the ideas from concept formation through to design development at a basic level.Communicate design ideas at a basic level, demonstrating through building design & its representation, the aims & claims that made for the building design. Course Frame Work: Week No. Lecture No. Topics Subjects Related Preparation 1 Introduction (Design Thinking) and (The Design Process) Part A – Research Case Studies Site Analysis 2 Precedent Case Analysis Part A – Site Investigation Site Study 3 Site Analysis presentation Concept in Architecture Conceptual /Programmatic Proposals & Studies 4 Conceptual /Programmatic Proposals & Studies 5 Precedent Case Analysis presentation Part A COMPLETED REVIEW OF PART A 6 Concept&Proposals presentation Arriving the diagram Part B – Schematic Formal & Spatial Studies 7 Part B – Schematic Formal & Spatial Studies Mid. Exam 8 Part B – Schematic Formal & Spatial Studies 9 Part B – Schematic PIN-UP 10 Part B – Design Development Formal & Functional Development Part B – Design Development Model & Drawing Development 11 COMPLETED REVIEW OF PART B Final – Synthesis Design finalized Drawings finalized Models finalized 12 Final – Presentation Development Presentation Development FINAL REVIEW PRESENTATION

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARCH 388 03 Elective GS112 +

ARCH433 03 Compulsory ARCH233 +

ARCH333 03 Compulsory ARCH233 +

ARCH344 03 Compulsory ARCH222 +

ARCH361 02 Compulsory ARCH302 +

ARCH382 03 Elective +

ARCH384 03 Elective +

ARCH403 05 Compulsory ARCH302 +

1- To introducestudents to architectural design process and utilize design principles in composition. 2- To introduce students to site analysis and it’s influence on the architectural product. 3- To understand functional relationships and program built up. 4- To understand basic structural concepts and building material effect on architectural form. 5- To train students on presentation of architectural concept in a professional manner.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARCH424 03 Compulsory ARCH324 +

ARCH371 03 Compulsory ARCH233 +

ARCH383 03 Elective +

ARCH385 03 Elective +

Studying the climatic cultural characteristics, as well as the natural features and their impact on crystallizing the local architecture style of the place in the different environmental regions, the coastal environment, the mountainous environment and the desert environment.

ARCH387 DESIGN & ENERGY 03 Elective +

ARCH389 03 Elective +

ARCH391 Environmental Control 03 Compulsory ARCH221 +

Many modern buildings do not perform well and require extensive use of mechanical systems in order to create a habitable, comfortable condition, which consumes energy. This raises the question of what type of architecture is needed to take proper consideration of environmental principles and the nature of the place. The course will introduce a strategy for implementing Sustainable Design (with more focus on climatic design) in the context of environmentally friendly goals, improved indoor environment, and innovation within the design process

ARCH404 05 Elective ARCH403 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARCH409 05 Elective +

ARCH408 05 Elective ARCH403 +

ARCH407 05 Elective ARCH403 +

This course provides the student with a study and analysis of the buildings of the transportation sector of various types (land, sea, and air), with standards and requirements that keep pace with their development. These facilities provide a distinguished service to their users as an important and vital means of shortening distances and delivering travelers and goods from one place to another in a short period of time if compared to the recent past.The variety of services provided through means of transportation, as well as the tremendous development in the manufacture of its means of transport, including the latest aircraft, ships, yachts, high-speed trains, and buses, posed a challenge for architects and engineers to keep up with it by developing design methods in a way that suits these successive developments, in a way that supports the comfort of users in all these different atmospheres. The course is an introduction to how to design the buildings of the transportation sector and covers the most important considerations, influences and standards that must be taken into account when designing buildings and facilities of this type. The course consists of two parts: the theoretical part, and the practical part.

ARCH406 05 Elective ARCH403 +

ARCH405 05 Elective ARCH403 +

This course is offered to the student :Design of different projects that involve topical problems in urban design. Make a proposal for developing or designing an urban area and planning a territory where a synthesis is required between a range of design, planning and environmental objectives. Advanced investigation into problems of analysis and evaluation of the design of urban areas, spaces and complexes with emphasis on the principles and methods of site analysis.Course Objectives :-To give students experience of working on an important design and planning project of current significance.-To gain a deeper experience of the role of design skills on urban design projects.-To develop skills in group work.-To give students experience of survey and analysis and of developing agendas for change.-To develop an understanding of the relationships between urban morphology and behavior..

ARCH474 03 Compulsory ARCH462 +

ARCH462 03 Compulsory ARCH371 +

ARCH399 03 Compulsory ARCH302 +

ARCH451 03 Elective +

9th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARCH458 03 Elective +

ARCH452 03 Elective +

ARCH453 03 Elective +

ARCH454 03 Elective +

ARCH455 03 Elective +

ARCH456 03 Elective +

ARCH457 03 Elective +

ARCH584 02 Compulsory ARCH424 +

ARCH459 03 Elective +

ARCH595 02 Compulsory ARCH424 +

10th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARCH599 08 Compulsory ARCH399 +