Bachelor in Information Systems

Faculty of Information Technology - Department of Information Systems



The Department of Information Systems is concerned with how information technology is used, practiced and applied in all service and technical fields. This is why this specialization is considered the link between computer science disciplines and various fields of work, through which students can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze, design, develop and operate information systems, and the department covers most of the information systems. Research areas in information systems such as analysis, systems design, program development, project management and decision support systems.


  • Graduating well-trained information technology specialists on the latest technologies in the field, whether in theory or practice.
  • Active participation in studies and research and the discovery of modern knowledge and methods in the field of information systems.
  • Providing the necessary and modern foundations for undergraduate students (in theory and application) in the field of information systems.
  • Empowering students by introducing them to the tools and skills necessary to provide an effective service to the information technology industry and the needs of society after graduation.
  • Providing consultations and community services in the field of information technology.
  • Providing students with the necessary skills to apply information systems science.
  • Forming a strong scientific base for students to help them keep pace with the rapid change in the field and interact positively with it.
  • Contribute to providing the labor market with national cadres to meet the needs of business in this vital field.
  • Outcomes

    • Systems Analyst
    • business analyst
    • Business Operations Analyst
    • Application developer
    • Database Analyst and Administrator
    • Enterprise resource planning specialist
    • projects manager

    Certificate Rewarded

    Bachelor's degree in Information Systems

    Entry Reuirements

    It is required for the student to specialize in the Information Systems Department to successfully pass the course "Fundamentals of Information Systems".

    Study Plan

    The Bachelor in Information Systems prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Information Systems. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 135 units, which include 80 units of general subjects, and 40 major units, 15 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ITPH111 Physics 03 Compulsory +

    Current and voltage: resistance and resistivity, Ohm's law, Power, energy, series and parallel resistance cuircuits, Kirchoff's laws. Waveforms: sinusovoltage: resistance and resistivity, Ohm's law, Power, energy, series and parallel resistance cuircuits, Kirchoff's laws.Waveforms: sinusoidal AC voltage and current, inductance, phase relations and elements of phasor, digital waveforms, digital timing (clock signals, jitter, drift, skew, hysteresis.Semiconductor diodes: semiconductor materials, extrinsic materials (n-type & p-type, energy levels, diode notation, diode equivalent circuits, transition and diffusion capacitance, reverse recovery time, zener diode and LEDs.Diode applications: load line analysis, diode approximation, series diode configurations, parallel and series-parallel configuration, AND/OR gates, half-wave rectification, full-wave rectification, clippers, clampers, voltage multiplier circuits

    ITMM111 Mathematics I 03 Compulsory +

    This course provides students with basic concepts of real functions in a single variable, and concepts of ends and continuity. It also addresses the rules of differentiation. This course aims to develop the student's ability to determine the types of real, compulsory and non-compulsory functions, to chart them, to determine the scope, extent and reverse functions of them, to determine the existence of the end, as well as to know the continuity of the functions and to determine whether they are derivable. The course also aims to enhance students' skills in drawing curves using preferential concepts and demonstrations, through scheduled training and the diversity of evaluation methods. The rapporteur focuses on understanding real functions in a single and derivative variable and its applications that help him to understand the behaviour of multiple functions in his future study.

    ITAR111 Arabic language 1 02 Compulsory +

    Introduction: the importance of studying Arabic, the need for mastering Arabic, the importance of Arabic in nationalistic, religious, civilization and cultural frames, the role of civilization in effacing Arabic, some grammatical rules: words, sentence structures, verbal sentences, some dictation rules, looking up words.

    ITGS113 Problem solving Technic 03 General +

    This course introduces the student to different heuristic techniques that aid programmers and computer scientists in solving problems. The course uses classical math and word problems for generating potential solutions to ''real-life'' problems encountered in the profession, and problem solving in teams. Topics covered include: Errors in reasoning; verbal reasoning; analogy problems; heuristics; mathematical word problems; analysis of trends; lateral thinking; deductive and hypothetical reasoning; computational problem solving; problem solving in-the-large; generating, implementing, and evaluating solutions; discrete mathematics, statistics; interpersonal problem solving.

    ITGS111 Intro to Information Technology 03 Compulsory +

    The course introduces modern management techniques that are used for the marketing, selling, and distribution of goods and services through the Internet. Topics include: E-business Strategy, Business Models in the new world, Cyber-services, E-business relationships, E-business technology, E-Marketing and e-payment, Antecedents and barriers to e-commerce, Business Process Management, Case studies with LAB work.

    ITEL111 General English1 02 Compulsory +

    Nouns (types, function, derivations), adjectives (types, sequence, derivations) adverbs (forms, position), use and forms of the ultimate tense, interrogative formations, negative of verbs. Passive constructions (forms, usages), adjective clauses (recognition and types, case of relative pronoun), gerund phrases, infinitive phrases, listening comprehension.

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ITMM122 Mathematics II 03 Compulsory ITMM111 +

    Vector Calculus: Vector Function. Derivative of a Vector function. Gradient of a scalar function. Divergence and curl of vector functions. Directional derivative and calculation of pressure, Kinetic interpretation of energy.Linear Algebra: integral of matrices. Addition and multiplication of matrices. Inverse of square matrix. Orthogonal, Hermition and Unitary matrices. Properties of determinants and expansion of the determinants. Solution of nonhomogeneous linear equations by Cramer’s rule. Elementary operations. Echelons and reduced echelon forms. Rank of a matrix. Equivalent matrices. Gauss-Jordan elimination method. System linear homogeneous and nonhomogeneous equations vector spaces. Subspaces. Linear dependence and independence Span, Basis and Dimension. Eigen value problems Eigen vectors. Cayley - Hamilton theorem.

    ITGS126 logic Circuit Design 03 Compulsory ITPH111 +

    Introduction to information representation & number systems and codes; Boolean algebra and logic gates; simplification of Boolean functions; Analysis and design of combinational logic circuits; multiplexers; Decoders and adders,; Introduction to synchronous sequential logic; flip flops; Analysis and design of clocked synchronous sequential circuits.

    ITGS124 System Analysis and Design 03 General ITGS113 +

    This course provides a methodical approach to developing computer systems including feasibility study, systems planning, analysis, design, testing, implementation and software maintenance. Emphasis is on the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development of information systems. The course includes the Waterfall model (The System Development Life Cycle), system analysis and design techniques (Process Modeling (DFDs), Logical Modeling (decision tree, decision table, structured English), Data Modeling (ERD Diagrams), Object Oriented Modeling (UML use cases).

    ITGS122 Introduction to Programming 03 General ITGS113 +

    An introduction to computing and program development in the C programming language. This includes a brief introduction to basic computer concepts, an understanding of the operating system sufficient for writing program. introduction to computer programming; Getting started in C programming: introduction to basic program syntax; Printing messages, data types and declarations, numeric and character data, expressions, printing results, and variables; Processing and interactive input: assignments, counting, and input and output of data; C's conditional statements; C's looping statements; Modularity using functions: user--defined functions, parameters and return values, standard library functions, scope, call--by--reference; More modularity using functions: scope, storage class, and call--by--reference; Arrays: single and two dimensional arrays, initializers, array parameters; Character strings: processing strings using loops, some character and string library functions; Structures: structure concepts, structures as parameters, arrays of structures; Additional or miscellaneous topics other material as time permits.

    ITEL122 General English2 02 Compulsory ITEL111 +

    Introduction and augmentation of specialized vocabulary and aspects of scientific technical English used in the different departments of engineering. Listening comprehension

    ITAR122 Arabic language 2 02 Compulsory ITAR111 +

    Some grammar rules, nominal sentences (starters, predicates and comparing them, abrogatives), addition, numbers and specifiers, appositives, some dictation rules, dictionaries, scientific and literary styles and their application.

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ITST211 Introduction to Statistics 03 Compulsory ITMM111 +

    Probability: concept of a random experiment and sample space; addition and multiplication laws of probability; conditional probability and independence, Bay's theorem and its application. Random Variables and their probability: Conditional Probability; Binomial , Poisson, Hyperogeomtric, Normal , Gamma , Exponential and uniform random variables and their properties. Basic statistical concepts: Statistical data, measures of central tendency; dispersion skewness and kurtosis.Regression and Correlation: simple, linear regression; regression coefficient and correlation coefficient. Fitting of linear and curve linear regressions, Multiple linear regression and multiple.Test of Significance: Basic concepts; use of normal test and t-test for hypothesis testing for a mean and the differences of two means. Use of X2 distribution for testing independence and goodness of fit

    ITGS211 Object Oriented Programmin 03 Compulsory +

    This course covers: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, introduces students to object-oriented programming concepts, such as classes, objects, methods, interfaces, packages, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. These concepts are emphasized through extensive programming examples and assignments that require problem solving, algorithm development, top-down design, modular programming, debugging, and testing

    ITGS213 Introduction to Software Engineering 03 General ITGS111 +

    This course offers an introduction to software engineering. Topics covered: Software Engineering fundamentals; Software processes; Object-oriented concepts and UML; Requirements analysis; System modeling and specification; Software design models; from design to implementation; Software testing; Software tools; Emerging software development methods; Teamwork.

    ITGS215 Introduction to Networking 03 General ITGS111 +

    Introduction to fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of computer communication networks, their protocols (OSI model vs TCP/IP protocol stack), applications, circuit and packet switching access networks. Introduction to Application Layer, topics include: Web, HTTP, FTP, Email, DNS, and socket programming. Introduction to Transport Layer, topics include: UDP, TCP, flow control, congestion control. Introduction to Network Layer, topics include: routing principles, IP routing, IPv4, IPv6, broadcast, multicast, unicast. Introduction to Link Layer and local area networks, topics include: error detection/correction, multiple access protocols, LAN, Ethernet. Basics of physical layer and wireless networking and related Security issues.

    ITGS217 Discrete Structures 03 General ITMM122 +

    This course include these topics: Number systems: natural numbers, radix r representation of integers, mathematical induction. Logic: propositional logic, predicate logic. Boolean algebra; sets; recursion; relations, and functions. Combinatory: counting principles; permutation groups. Graphs: graphs; diagraphs; trees; Euler's formula and coloring of graphs. Formal machines: automata and regular expressions; register machines: turning machines.

    ITGS219 Numerical analysis 03 General ITMM122 +

    This course is a programming course; students need to implement all discussed topics by any programming language in class per class fashion.This course include these topics: Introduction to error analysis, root finding methods for non-linear equations (interval halving, false position), Newton’s method, definition of interpolation, Newton’s-Gregory interpolation, central interpolation (Gauss forward and backward, Bessel, Stirling), Least square approximation, Spline curves, Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration (Trapezoidal method, Simpson's), Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (Taylor’s series method), Euler method, Runge-Kutta method.

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ITGS223 Computer Architucture & Organization 03 Compulsory ITGS126 +

    System-level aspects of computing systems design, interconnection structures, Cache memory principles; Main memory; External memory; Input/ Output; CPU structure and function; computer arithmetic; instruction sets: characteristics and functions; instruction sets: addressing modes and formats; Control unit operation and design; Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC); Instruction-Level Parallelism and Superscalar Processors.

    ITGS220 Data Structure 03 Compulsory ITGS122 +

    Classification of data structures, space and time considerations. Linked lists, stacks and queues. Tree structures, binary search trees. Array and pointer based implementations. Recursive applications. Sorting and searching.

    ITGS222 Foundation of Information Systems 03 General ITGS111 +

    Information systems are an integral part of all business activities and careers. This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary information systems and demonstrate how these systems are used throughout global organizations. The focus of this course will be on the key components of information systems - people, software, hardware, data, and communication technologies, and how these components can be integrated and managed to create competitive advantage. Through the knowledge of how IS provides a competitive advantage students will gain an understanding of how information is used in organizations and how IT enables improvement in quality, speed, and agility. This course also provides an introduction to systems and development concepts, technology acquisition, and various types of application software that have become prevalent or are emerging in modern organizations and society.

    ITGS224 Information Security 03 Compulsory ITGS111 +

    This course introduces students to the basic principles and practices of computer and information security. Focus will be on the software, operating system and network security techniques with detailed analysis of real-world examples. Topics include cryptography, authentication, software and operating system security (e.g., buffer overflow), Internet vulnerability (DoS attacks, viruses/worms, etc.), intrusion detection systems, firewalls, VPN, Web and wireless security.

    ITGS226 Introduction to Internet Programming 03 Elective ITGS122 +

    Introduction into internet and World Wide Web and their protocols, TCP/IP, MIME, http protocols. SGML – documents and their types. Html BASICS. CSS. Basics of Scripting languages programming. Server part of application (ASP, PHP,ASP.Net, or JSP), Web pages and accessing database(ADO and MS Access, or MySql).

    ITGS228 Introduction to database 03 General ITGS217 +

    This course introduce the fundamentals of database management system characteristics of DB approach, components of DB systems, DB architecture, Data modeling, Database users and administrators. Entity-Relationship model, Relational-Algebra, SQL Programming, Database design, Functional dependency and Normalization, Relational Database, Introduction to Object oriented database and UML, practical applications using a standard Relational DB system.

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ITGS302 Operating System 03 General ITGS223 +

    This course deals with all essential concepts of operating systems. Starting with describing role of an operating system in managing different tasks during the processing operation. The course explains the process concept, in particular process description within an OS environment and its scheduling strategies. Also, it covers: memory management, virtual memory, I/O management and disk scheduling, file management. Mutual exclusion and synchronization, deadlock and starvation concepts and algorithms are discussed in details in this course supported with LAB work.

    ITGS304 Scientific Writing 03 General +

    This course covers topics related to IT. It covers reading, grammatical, writing skills in the context ot IT. It covers topics such as: IT terminology definitions, relative clauses, clauses with: who, what, which, etc. It includes several reading and writing exercises.

    ITIS311 Web Application Development 03 Compulsory ITGS222 +

    The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamental concepts and models of application development so that they can understand the key processes related to building functioning applications and appreciate the complexity of application development. Students will learn the basic concepts of program design, data structures, programming, problem solving, programming logic, and fundamental design techniques for event-driven programs. Program development will incorporate the program development life cycle: gathering requirements, designing a solution, implementing a solution in a programming language, and testing the completed application.

    ITIS312 Human Computer Interaction 03 Compulsory ITGS124 +

    This course provides an introduction to the field of human-computer interaction (HCI), an interdisciplinary field that integrates cognitive psychology, design, computer science and others. Examining the human factors associated with information systems provides the students with knowledge to understand what influences usability and acceptance of IS. This course will examine human performance, components of technology, methods and techniques used in design and evaluation of IS. Societal impacts of HCI such as accessibility will also be discussed. User-centered design methods will be introduced and evaluated. This course will also introduce students to the contemporary technologies used in empirical evaluation methods.

    ITIS313 Data and Information Management 03 Compulsory ITGS222 +

    This course provides the students with an introduction to the core concepts in data andinformation management. It is centered around the core skills of identifying organizational information requirements, modeling them using conceptual data modellingtechniques, converting the conceptual data models into relational data models andverifying its structural characteristics with normalization techniques, and implementingand utilizing a relational database using an industrial-strength database managementsystem. The course will also include coverage of basic database administration tasks andkey concepts of data quality and data security. In addition to developing databaseapplications, the course helps the students understand how large-scale packaged systemsare highly dependent on the use of DBMSs. Building on the transactional databaseunderstanding, the course provides an introduction to data and information managementtechnologies that provide decision support capabilities under the broad businessintelligence umbrella.

    6th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ITIS325 Advanced Databases 03 Compulsory ITGS228 +

    Students will be able to: Develop scalable, distributed applications with SQL to meet organizational requirements. Create modular code using stored procedures and formulate triggers, Develop reusable code with stored procedures and functions, Handle SQL runtime errors to create robust software Audit data changes using triggers. Contents of this subject: 1- Data definition. Managing Tables with DDL, Creating schemas, Referencing schemas versus using the default schema, hiding schemas with synonyms. 2- Building tables, Adding and enforcing constraints. 3- Declaring variables and parameters, Creating and utilizing local variables, Passing input and output parameters, Calling built-in scalar functions, Converting data using CAST and CONVERT, Ordering data with ranking functions, Maintaining Data, Modifying data. 4- Creating Views, Stored Procedures and Stored procedure compilation and execution. 5- Auditing and implementing constraint on data by the means of Triggers. 6- Handling errors by communicating problems to the client with RAISERROR, Intercepting errors with TRY...CATCH.

    ITIS323 IT Infrastructure 03 Compulsory ITGS222 +

    This course provides an introduction to IT infrastructure issues for students majoring inInformation Systems. It covers topics related to both computer and systems architectureand communication networks, with an overall focus on the services and capabilities thatIT infrastructure solutions enable in an organizational context. It gives the students theknowledge and skills that they need for communicating effectively with professionalswhose special focus is on hardware and systems software technology and for designingorganizational processes and software solutions that require in-depth understanding of theIT infrastructure capabilities and limitations. It also prepares the students fororganizational roles that require interaction with external vendors of IT infrastructurecomponents and solutions. The course focuses strongly on Internet-based solutions,computer and network security, business continuity, and the role of infrastructure inregulatory compliance.

    ITGS301 Design and Analysis algorithms 03 General ITGS220 +

    The module introduces formal techniques to support the design and analysis of algorithms, focusing on both the underlying mathematical theory and practical considerations of efficiency. Topics include asymptotic complexity bounds, techniques of analysis, and algorithmic strategies.

    ITIS324 Multimedia Systems 03 Compulsory ITGS122 +

    The course is a basic grounding in issue surrounding multimedia design and multimedia data. It enhances the student’s view about graphics and images. The course will cover the following: digital audio, graphics, still images and videos, animation. Also it includes data compression and transmission of media, as well as software tools used for integrating digital media.

    ITIS326 Advanced System analysis & Design 03 Compulsory ITGS124 +

    This course discusses the processes, methods, techniques and tools that organizations useto determine how they should conduct their business, with a particular focus on howcomputer-based technologies can most effectively contribute to the way business isorganized. The course covers a systematic methodology for analyzing a business problemor opportunity, determining what role, if any, computer-based technologies can play inaddressing the business need, articulating business requirements for the technologysolution, specifying alternative approaches to acquiring the technology capabilitiesneeded to address the business requirements, and specifying the requirements for theinformation systems solution in particular, in-house development, development fromthird-party providers, or purchased commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) packages.

    7th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ITIS411 Enterprise Architecture 03 Compulsory ITGS222 +

    This course explores the design, selection, implementation and management of enterpriseIT solutions. The focus is on applications and infrastructure and their fit with thebusiness. Students learn frameworks and strategies for infrastructure management,system administration, data/information architecture, content management, distributedcomputing, middleware, legacy system integration, system consolidation, softwareselection, total cost of ownership calculation IT investment analysis, and emergingtechnologies. These topics are addressed both within and beyond the organization, withattention paid to managing risk and security within audit and compliance standards.Students also hone their ability to communicate technology architecture strategiesconcisely to a general business audience.

    ITIS412 Risk management and Security 03 Compulsory ITGS222 +

    This course provides an introduction to the fundamental principles and topics of information Technology Security and Risk Management at the organizational level. Students will learn critical security principles that enable them to plan, develop, and perform security tasks. The course will address hardware, software, processes, communications, applications, and policies and procedures with respect to organizational IT Security and Risk Management.

    ITIS413 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 03 Compulsory ITGS211 +

    This course is an introductory course to artificial intelligence. The goal of this course is to provide students with the underlying principle of the artificial intelligence and soft computing paradigms with their advantages over traditional computing. Topics to be covered will include: Introduction to Intelligent Systems: Tools, Techniques and Applications; Expert Systems; Fuzzy Systems; Artificial Neural Networks; Genetic Algorithms; Case-based Reasoning; Data Mining; Intelligent Software Agents; Language Technology.

    ITIS500 04 Compulsory ITGS303 +

    ITGS303 IT Project Management 03 General +

    This course studies how to plan and manage projects at each stage of the software development life cycle. It covers specific techniques of Planning, Organizing, Monitoring, and Adjusting phases of software projects. Topics include technical and managerial skills needed to achieve project goals. A required team project combines technical and managerial techniques of software design and development.

    8th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ITIS421 Enterprise Systems 03 Compulsory ITGS222 +

    This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the theoretic and practical issues related to the application of enterprise systems within organizations. The main focus of this course is to demonstrate how enterprise systems integrate information and organizational processes across functional areas with a unified system comprised of a single database and shared reporting tools. Enterprise systems, by their multi-dimensional integrative nature, offer the depth of functionality and breadth of integration to demonstrate how global operations of organizations are managed. Thus, students will gain an appreciation of the scope of enterprise systems and the motivation for implementing them. [Optional: Example software will be used to illustrate how enterprise systems work. An integrated project, which requires the application of conceptual as well as technical (software) skills of students, will be required.

    ITIS422 IS strategy ,management and acquisition 03 Compulsory ITIS311 +

    This course explores the issues and approaches in managing the information systemsfunction in organizations and how the IS function integrates / supports / enables varioustypes of organizational capabilities. It takes a senior management perspective inexploring the acquisition, development and implementation of plans and policies toachieve efficient and effectiveinformation systems. The course addresses issues relatingto defining the high-level IS infrastructure and the systems that support the operational,administrative and strategic needs of the organization. The remainder of the course isfocused on developing an intellectual 556framework that will allow leaders of organizationsto critically assess existing IS infrastructures and emerging technologies as well as howthese enabling technologies might affect organizational strategy. The ideas developed andcultivated in this course are intended to provide an enduring perspective that can helpleaders make sense of an increasingly globalized and technology intensive businessenvironment.

    Elective Subjects

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ITIS401 Information Retrieval Systems 03 Elective ITGS211 ITGS222 +

    Information Retrieval provides a strong grounding in the fundamentals of organizing on-line information, multimedia warehouses, Web search/crawling and digital libraries. Topics include: Introduction to Information Retrieval, Boolean Retrieval, Dictionaries and Tolerant Retrieval, Index Construction, Dynamic Index Construction, Index Compression, The Vector Space Model, Scoring in the Vector Space Model, Information Retrieval Evaluation, Web Search, Web Crawling, Link Analysis, Flat Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Relevance Feedback, Query Expansion, New Research in Information Retrieval, Student Project.

    ITIS402 Knowledge Management 03 Elective ITIS313 +

    The course will be conducted in a seminar style to develop students' analytical abilities in the area of KM and knowledge management systems. Topics included: Overview of Knowledge Management; The Nature of Knowledge; Knowledge Management Solutions; Organizational Impacts of Knowledge Management; Factors Influencing Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management Assessment of an Organization; Technologies to Manage Knowledge ( Artificial Intelligence, Digital Libraries, Repositories, etc); Preserving and Applying Human Expertise: Knowledge-Based Systems; Using Past History Explicitly as Knowledge ( Case-Based Systems); Knowledge Elicitation (Converting Tacit Knowledge to Explicit); Discovering New Knowledge ( Data Mining); Systems (Knowledge Discovery, Systems that Create Knowledge; Knowledge Capture Systems; Systems that Preserve and Formalize Knowledge; Concept Maps, Process Modeling, RSS, Wikis, Delphi Method; Knowledge Sharing Systems: Systems that Organize and Distribute Knowledge; Ontology Development Systems, Categorization and Classification Tools, XML-Based Tools). Class time will be divided into lecture, discussions, and student presentations.

    ITIS404 Data Mining/Business Intelligence 03 Elective ITGS228 +

    This course will define the notion of Business Intelligence and its components. It will change the way students think about data and its role in business. The goal of the course is to examine how data mining technologies can be used to improve decision-making. The topics will be covered include, Introduction to data mining and data mining process (identify business problem, build mining database, prepare data for modelling, build and evaluate model); Predictive Modelling; Descriptive/ Unsupervised Data Mining; Data Mining for business applications; Data mining and electronic commerce, Data warehousing: concepts and techniques; Data Warehouse Architecture; Data Warehousing to improve decision-making in business. Mini Project.

    ITIS405 Business Process Management 03 Elective ITIS326 +

    In this course students will be introduced to key concepts and approaches to business process management and improvement. The main focus of this course is both understanding and designing business processes. Students will learn how to identify, document, model, assess, and improve core business processes. Students will be introduced to process design principles. The way in which information technology can be used to manage, transform, and improve business processes is discussed. Students will be exposed to challenges and approaches to organizational change, domestic and offshore outsourcing, and inter-organizational processes.

    ITIS406 Decision support system 03 Elective ITGS211 +

    The course establishes a foundation for understanding and analysing information and information systems in organisations. It also provides an overview of technical and organisational aspects of decision support systems (DSS), including individual, group and organisational DSS as well as executive information systems (EIS). Management of DSS and EIS within the end-user computing environment is also discussed. The course covers more recent technologies, e.g. Data Warehouse and OLAP-technologies. The course is design-oriented and emphasises conceptual foundations of DSS and EIS, but DSS software reviews, demonstrations, laboratory lessons and case examples are also included. Mini Project.

    ITIS407 IS Innovation and New Technologies 03 Elective +

    New IS technologies are being used to change how organizations operate, produce products and services, and communicate both internally and as well as with external partners. This course is designed to introduce students to new and innovative technologies and examine how these powerful systems have fundamentally reshaped modern organizations along with our society. Using online collaborative technologies that were developed in the context of social networking and online communities, corporations are reengineering both internal business processes and those related to customers, suppliers, and business partners. Developing innovative ways to communicate and collaborate can lead to new business opportunities, and new efficiencies. This course investigates the technologies, methods and practices of developing new innovations such as online communities, and how this knowledge and these skills are applied to reengineer business processes.

    ITIS408 E-Government 03 Elective ITGS223 +

    This course is an introduction to electronic government (e-government). Our basic premise that the governments' use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is not an end in itself, certainly not a technical exercise, but a tool to achieve better government. e-Government includes all measures to further this goal with the combination of ICT and the necessary organisational improvement. This definition is the point of departure for the rest of the course that covers: reasons to embrace e-government, challenges to e-government, planning of e-government, front-office and back-office implementations, and the management of e-government projects. Mini Project.