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About Physics

The Department of Physics at the College of Science is considered one of the important departments that was established at the beginning of the founding of the Libyan University in 1957 and has a high status and national value. The Physics Department provides its services to the rest of the college’s departments and some other colleges at the university, in addition to serving other sectors outside the university. Its members have made significant contributions to raising the reputation of the Physics Department as one of the leading institutions of higher education in Libya, in addition to providing outstanding educational and creative opportunities for many talented students and students who study in the department. Physics.

At the bachelor's level, the department follows the path of general physics, which includes several areas of physics such as fluid physics, classical mechanics, thermodynamics, modern physics, nuclear physics, mathematical physics, experimental physics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, solid state physics, electromagnetism, waves, Light, theory of relativity, computational physics, laser physics, electronics, microwaves, electrical devices and semiconductors, radiation physics and other courses that suit the student’s interests and inclinations. These courses also offer an integrated series of basic physics subjects with a group of advanced specialized subjects. In various fields of physics, it prepares the student to earn a bachelor’s degree in physics. The courses taught by the department, whether compulsory or elective, are recognized in the best international universities. The study plan developed by the department for obtaining a bachelor’s degree aims to provide the student with the basic principles of theoretical physics in addition to practical applications that are designed within a specific pattern that enables the physicist student to master these subjects with a high degree of scientific competence, which enables the student after graduation to join available jobs in the industrial field. Or the educational field. The department also provides a graduate study program (master’s degree) with courses and a thesis, enabling the student to specialize more deeply in his graduate studies according to the available specializations, which are: theoretical physics, nuclear physics, solid state physics, laser physics, electronics physics, medical physics, engineering physics ( the Nano technique). The student is awarded a master's degree in physics if he completes the compulsory and elective (specialized) courses and the thesis.

Facts about Physics

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff






Bachelor - Physics

The Department of Physics offers a study program for obtaining the first university degree (bachelor's degree) in a flexible manner that enables the student...

Master - Physics

The Department of Physics grants a Master of Science degree in Physics in the course and thesis system. This requires the completion of 39 study units,...


Who works at the Physics

Physics has more than 40 academic staff members

staff photo


ABDALLA AL-KELSH is one of the staff members at the department of 2 faculty of 1. He is working as a since 2017-09-07. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

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